As a marketer, when you orchestrate your cross-channel marketing campaigns, providing the right message at the right time over the right channel to the right person is your ideal goal to increase customer engagement and, ultimately, driving higher revenue for your company. 

When one of those channels fails to deliver at the right time, it can throw your perfectly tuned campaign out of sync, and lose customers. 

Many retailers use SMS as a critical, timely pulse point to trigger action. Therefore, time sensitivity with SMS message deliverability is a must to ensure your marketing campaigns can succeed. 

One way to mitigate the risk of SMS message timeliness and deliverability is to work with an integrated B2C marketing automation company that uses a Tier 1 SMS Aggregator.

What’s a Tier 1 SMS Aggregator – and Why Should I Care?

An SMS aggregator manages the messaging flow from marketing platforms to the wireless carrier networks like T-Mobile and Verizon. Wireless carriers do not directly manage marketing text messages, but instead, work with a select handful of companies known as SMS aggregators to deal with the billions of messages from commercial and marketing text campaigns. 

There are three categorical advantages a Tier 1 Aggregator provides to clients – including companies like Listrak that work with Tier 1 Aggregators on behalf of their clients:

  1. Speed to Market: Working with a Tier 1 Aggregator eliminates middlemen; Tier 1s have direct access to the major carriers, having built strong, trusted relationships with them. Tier 1s also have fewer feedback loops because of that direct access.
  2. Better Reliability and Stability: With fewer links in the data supply chain, there are fewer points of failure where problems can happen. Additionally, Tier 1 Aggregators work actively with the carriers to monitor bandwidth and increase throughputs based on anticipated needs. 
  3. Faster and Easier Troubleshooting: With billions of messages hitting millions of consumers, if and when there are deliverability issues, there are fewer parties required to identify – and ultimately more quickly resolve – any issues.

Listrak Works with Tier 1 Aggregators to Mitigate Marketers’ Risk

Listrak’s integrated B2C marketing automation platform is trusted by 1,000+ consumer marketing firms. Text message marketing is part of many of our clients’ strategy. Listrak works with Tier 1 Aggregators to give marketers a trusted channel for their SMS and MMS marketing channel. 

Message deliverability is a huge part of your campaigns’ success…or failure. Therefore, ensuring stability and reliability to support that success means there is only one right choice in partnership at Listrak – working with a Tier 1 Aggregator. And that provides great peace of mind for our clients. 

Listrak’s backend send engine is one of only four Tier 1 Aggregators in the country with direct connections to all major carriers. If you are currently evaluating SMS and MMS providers as part of your future marketing automation investment, or looking to switch providers, you should explore how the platform sends your messages. Do they use a Tier 1 Aggregator like Listrak does? If not, you should redirect your search efforts to only those that do. Don’t overlook this: Your efforts are too important to not use a Tier 1 Aggregator. 

We are not only a B2C marketing tech platform, we’re also experienced and relentlessly focused on our clients’ results. When one part of the campaign isn’t working, your results are affected. Our job is to help you focus on creating the best and most effective campaigns – you shouldn’t have to worry if your cross-channel messaging is actually being delivered to your targeted base.

To learn more about Listrak’s SMS and MMS offering – powered by a Tier 1 Aggregator, visit

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